May 21, 2007

10 signs you're spending too much time online

1) You talk about seeing something "on the message board" and you don't mean the dry erase board in your kitchen

2) You know more about your sister-in-law's shopping habits from her blog than from family gatherings

3) You have friends with names like Nova22, Vamp127 or ExuberantDaffodil

4) Your child starts fussing when you approach the computer

5) You find yourself accidentally typing "DH" when writing about your dear husband in an e-mail to your cousin

6) You start praying that your baby will fall asleep quickly so you can check the boards (as in item #1)

7) You talk about seeing MIL and FIL IRL more than you see these people IRL

8) You know what I said in #7

9) Google and Wikipedia are your favorite sources when you need information

10) More people know you as "Koala" than by your given name


Unknown said...

11. you live by the advice you got from people you've never met
12. your blog is designed by someone living on the other end of the country
13. your irl friendships are definitley not thriving the way they potentially could if your social needs weren't being met elsewhere.

-someone koala knows from online ;)

Amanda said...

14. You wake up at 3am and think of something you MUST remember to post on your boards the following day.
15. You're frustrated at 9am when you can no longer remember that urgent thing.